

TAMED-EX surgical private institute  Vénusz Hotel 
8600 Siófok    8600 Siófok 
Budai Nagy Antal street 6   Kinizsi Pál street 3 
www.tamedex.hu    www.venuszhotel.hu
sebeszet@tamedex.hu   info@venuszhotel.hu
Previous examination (consultation): necessary  
Examinations preceding the surgery: examination of ear-nose throat
     laboratory examination 
     thoracic X-ray  
Term of surgery:   90-120 minutes  
Stay at hospital:   24-48 hours  
Suggested stay at the hotel:  1-2 weeks  
Suture removal:   7. day   
Control examinations:  1., 4. week  
     3. month   
     1 year   
Clinical price:   2.321.- €   
Price for the suggested stay at the hotel: from 266.- €  
Contact:    info@venuszhotel.hu